Making money online generally takes products or information. These two categories can be broken down into variants of a niche or industry. Selecting what products or information to sell is one of the most grueling decisions that you have to make. Unless you have 20 years to develop a product, finding something quick and easy that works can give you the instant results you seek. We are going to show you where to find private label products to sell so you don’t have to spend time on product creation. Making money online is a little bit of simplicity mixed with putting proven products to work for you.
What are Private Label Products?
A private label product is one that isn’t branded by the company or author that created it. It’s just not as attractive if you try to sell something informational on your website when it has another author’s name written all over it. There are companies that produce private label products exclusively for resellers. This happens in every industry and you have probably already purchased private label versions of things that you buy and never knew it.
Making money online with private label products is really easy. The only decision you have to make is what products to offer. The products literally sell themselves. We like that.
Where to Find Private Label Products to Sell
2. Nicheology
5. PLRPro
7. eBay PLR
[box type=”tip”]MBB Tip: You can sell wholesale products too![/box]
Where to Find Wholesale Products to Sell
2. Alibaba
3. Deal Extreme
What You Can Do with Private Label Products
You don’t have to limit yourself to selling private label products. It is easy to bundle several things together for your website. The buying public loves when things are packaged together for one low price. You could brand an e-book you’ve written (or had written) with PLR to create customized packages to sell from your website. You can create an audiobook from the PLR information just to be different. You could turn the PLR into a video presentation and sell it as an online or offline home study course.
The goal is to be unique and creative as you think outside of the proverbial private label box. Information product downloads and sales are huge business online and putting products together for easy sale can help you accomplish e-commerce gold with your website.